Sunday evening in the north of Europe! After all the delegations from different parts of Europe had finally made it to Trondheim, our third project meeting was started on Sunday evening Nov 14th,2021 at the "Egon Tarnet Restaurant", about 74 meters above the ground. Having a delicious pizza in a rotating restaurant with a beautiful view into the Norwegian night - what a start off!
On our first working day, we received an overview and an insight into project work so far, which was really complicated because of all the concessions and limitations due to the Corona pandemic. It became clear that we would have to take some major changes in the project organization and procedure to be successful in the end.
On the second and third day, we focused on what we had achieved so far, the difficulties we had encountered and discussed ideas and concepts for our next steps.
Apart from all the project work, the meeting in Norway was a very special one, as we all only only kept in touch via online conferences on Skype, Teams or in WhatsApp chats. In Norway, we finally could meet again face to face.
Especially in the afternoons and in the evenings, when we had a school tour, a boat trip or a guided city tour through the dark, rainy and cold historic center of Trondheim, we could enjoy spending time together with our friends from Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain or Luxembourg. That was the time, when we all realized how important it is to meet physically and not only on an internet platform.
The final farewell dinner was organized at school and we would therefore like to say thank you to the restaurant staff and to everyone at Byåsen videregående skole once again for having a perfect time with our most northern project partners from Trondheim!