The project idea was the result of several preparatory meetings, most recently in Dublin in December 2018. The main product, a so-called "Penny Press Machine", was the focus of our school partnership. This type of coin press is often found at tourist hot spots. Typically, the customer drops a euro-coin into the printing slot and at the same time a 5-cent piece. By operating a crank, motifs are then imprinted on the surfaces of the copper coin.

The aim of our partnership was for the partners to develop a functioning "Penny Press Machine" as an exhibit in the course of the joint project work. This will be permanently displayed in a central location in the school building where it will receive public attention. Since a total of six partner schools participated in the project, the machine should also be able to mint six different motifs each, so that even after the end of the project, a bond within the framework of the "European CNC Network" is guaranteed. The motifs on the embossing rollers were individually designed. In addition to the specially designed project logo, they also show images which are typical for the region. As a sustainable European cooperation, the project work thus represents both, the commonality and the uniqueness of the member states of a united Europe.



COMMON RESOLUTION of Preparatory Meeting
06-12-2018 to 09-12-2018, DUBLIN (IRELAND)


The participants of the preparatory meeting for the
"European CNC-Network – Penny Press Machine for EUROPE"
have agreed to the following common resolution:

  1. The participants will work on the basis of the established "European CNC-Network".

  2. The participants have agreed on a partnership called "European CNC-Network – Penny Press Machine for EUROPE". The project is going to begin in 11/2019 as part of the European Programme "ERASMUS+ School Exchange Partnerships (KA229)" and will run for two years.

  3. The participants have selected English as their working language.

  4. The main product of the project will be a so-called "Penny Press Machine". This kind of attraction is often found at touristic hot spots. Usually, after having paid a one-euro coin and inserted a five-cent coin into the printing slot, the machine prints a local motif on the five-cent faces when turning a crank.

  5. The goal of the partnership is to design, develop and manufacture six fully functional "Penny Press Machines" in close cooperation.

  6. The "Penny Press Machines" are meant for permanent exhibition and to be presented within school buildings accompanied by information boards.

  7. As all in all six partner schools will be involved in the project, the machines are expected to print six different motifs symbolizing the community and relatedness within the "European CNC-Network" long after the project has ended.

  8. Both sides of the coin will be designed individually and should represent European elements and regional motifs.

  9. The machine and the medals represent a sustainable successful European cooperation and embody the commonalities among partners as well as the uniqueness of the member states united in Europe.

  10. The planned partnership covers the full process of project development. It connects the classical methods of CAD engineering to the highly innovative 3D printing technology used for prototyping and industrial manufacturing based on modern CNC machinery.

  11. The project work will be embedded in the comprehensive digitalization-in-production as described in the ideas and visions of the "Industry 4.0" strategy.

  12. The "Penny-Press Machine" as a complex product will offer students the opportunity to learn and develop competences by cooperation and mutual support when working together with European partners on a technically challenging task.

  13. Regarding the project outcome from a pedagogical point of view, the "Penny Press Machine" is just a vehicle – a means to an end to shape and create basic skills and key competences. The focus of the planned project will lie on supporting creative, cross-cultural and digital competences.

  14. All the involved partners offer machinery and equipment in their modern workshops. With a view to a successful project work, the participation of each partner school is essential, as every single school brings in individual strengths and unique competences. Only in complementing one another in many ways a successful high-tech result as planned here can in sum be realized.

  15. The project idea will boost interdisciplinary cooperation and methods as described in the STE(A)M concept. Apart from its technological and mathematical content it will also allow and support creative openness when designing the coins and developing the construction of the "Penny Press Machine".

  16. The partnership favours a solution-oriented peer-to-peer-learning approach. This will make students internalize not only the topic much more intensely as they need to develop and deepen the topic self-reliantly, but they will benefit from one another by sharing and discussing results and value.

  17. The participants plan to organize six "Transnational Learning, Teaching and Training Activities" with "Short-term Exchanges of Student Groups" during the project. All involved partner schools will host one project activity:

    - Nov 2019 [LU] Initialising
    - Mar 2020 [FR] Planning
    - Sept 2020 [NO] Concretion
    - Jan 2021 [ES] Consolidation
    - Apr 2021 [AT] Completion
    - Sept 2021 [DE] Presentation

  18. Students will benefit from the exchange of knowledge and experience through "Transnational Learning, Teaching and Training Activities". Students will be given the opportunity to get into personal, authentic contact and to communicate directly face-to-face. In conclusion, the planned project activities are an essential element to enable and support complex discussions and make important decisions in product development possible and efficient.

  19. Every "Transnational Learning, Teaching and Training Activity" will have to be planned for the duration of five complete days not including arrival and departure days.

  20. Each partner will apply for funding for a maximum of seven participants (two teachers + five students) per project activity.

  21. The focus of the different project activities is closely adopted to work progress in the project.

  22. The workload within the project partnership will be separated in different work lines each one dealing with a specific project-related topic. Within the work lines, individual work groups will be established which will then work at specialized tasks and focusing on one specific field of work.

  23. The participants will use and improve the existing internet platform which will be hosted by the German partner school.

  24. Each step of the project requires the students´ continuous engagement and communication. The main part of the project work is meant to take place in between the project activities in lessons in school at home (Blended Mobility). Students will communicate and discuss suggestions and ideas via internet-based platforms such as eTwinning.

  25. The project should be integrated into in the targets and goals of the curricula for training programs in the different partner schools.

  26. In order to provide supply and assistance, we will try to find industrial partners from the field of CNC, CAD/CAM and 3D printing technology as associated partners. The partnership will be facilitated and backed by regional industry which is closely linked to the regional VET institutions and the project itself.

  27. As we would like to share our experience and results with interested groups and organizations, all sketches, drawings and documents will be freely available on our project webpage.

  28. The German partner in Bad Kreuznach will take over the coordination of the project.

The partners are convinced that this project is perfectly suited
to work out another successful project supported by the "European CNC-Network".

The result of our efforts symbolizes the successful cooperation
of the different European educational institutes.

We are confident that we have found with this project an excellent example
that will increase the "European spirit".

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